A Message from Principal Brian Holland
Welcome to Washington High School!
I am beyond excited to return home after 21 years of educational experiences and to be serving as the principal of Washington High School. It is an honor to be back in the Black & Gold! I look forward to meeting new students, parents, and staff. We will accept all the challenges that present themselves and the collaborative efforts to expound on in the upcoming school year.
From the experiences that I have accumulated, I know that a successful school is one that embraces the needs of the students. I welcome parents and the community to support our students' learning environment. Cooperation is also necessary for the success of our students. Current and new staff at Washington High School will work together and harder than ever before to ensure that our students are prepared for their next journey after high school.
Our Hatchet family is committed to providing each student with the ABCs of learning–Attitude, Behavior, and Character. Students will be prepared to handle challenging situations that life throws at them. Our Hatchet family will have the tenacity and the discipline to become leaders and great teammates in our ever-changing world. We will provide all the tools necessary to acquire traits that make our community proud!
If you need assistance from any staff member at WHS, please reach out to them. Send them an email. If you need further assistance, please contact me at bholland@wcs.k12.in.us or at (812) 254-3860. I look forward to an exciting year! Let’s go Hatchets!
Thank you!
Brian Holland, Principal
Washington High School